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NEW Products

Our Brand New Designs. We have been really busy coming up with New ideas over the past few months here in Yorkshire. We have lots more products in our Fine Bone China range. We have introduced New Animal Design Egg Cups, Four New Exquisite Fine Bone China Cups and Saucers and even more Mugs and Tea Bag Holders. In our Pewter and Polished Stainless Steel ranges of Fine Tableware and Barware, we have gone for yet more products using the same themes as before. For customers who bought products like our Fox whisky water jug, we now have a fantastic Fox Shot Glass to accompany it. We have also produced a very exciting New range of Oil Cloth products. Satchels, Shopping Bags, Ipad Cases etc, plus we are selling the oilcloth by the metre too. So we hope you love what you see and look forward to another great year At home in the country!

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